{"id":53429,"date":"2024-08-29T07:23:23","date_gmt":"2024-08-29T11:23:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=53429"},"modified":"2024-08-29T07:33:09","modified_gmt":"2024-08-29T11:33:09","slug":"ai-agentic-workflows-the-next-evolution-of-ai-agent-development","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/ai-agentic-workflows-the-next-evolution-of-ai-agent-development\/","title":{"rendered":"AI Agentic Workflows: The Next Evolution of AI Agent Development"},"content":{"rendered":"

AI agentic workflows are transforming the AI landscape, from enhancing organizational efficiency and problem-solving capabilities to empowering individuals with personalized AI teams. Learn about the next evolution in AI agent development.<\/h2>\n

The future of AI is here, and it’s more intelligent, more collaborative, and more transformative than ever before.<\/p>\n

You\u2019ve heard of generative AI and maybe even seen efficiency and productivity gains firsthand. AI agents follow closely on its heels, and now, AI agentic workflows represent the next leap forward from traditional AI implementations.<\/p>\n

AI agentic workflows go beyond the capabilities of standalone chatbots or isolated AI models. They represent a coordinated system of AI agents working together to achieve complex goals, adapting to changing circumstances, and learning from their experiences.<\/strong><\/p>\n

This blog dives into how AI agentic workflows are helping reshape the AI landscape<\/a>, why they matter for business leaders trying to make sense of AI, and how it fits into their organization today.<\/p>\n

What Are AI Agents and AI Agentic Workflows?<\/h2>\n

To understand AI agentic workflows or multiagent systems, it\u2019s important to understand AI agents<\/a>. These large language models (LLMs) are individual entities capable of perceiving their environment, making decisions, and taking actions to achieve specific goals. Agents can plan tasks, assess and use contextualized resources, and communicate with humans and systems to complete assigned tasks efficiently.<\/p>\n

An AI agentic workflow is a structured sequence of tasks performed by multiple agents working together. It differs from a chatbot, traditional AI, and even machine learning<\/a> in that the more traditional approaches are designed to handle a specific isolated task with a limited scope and provide outputs based on input data. The more traditional models are not autonomous, can\u2019t learn from interactions, and can\u2019t interact with the outside world like AI agents can.<\/p>\n

To illustrate the concept, consider the practical example of creating a classic two-player Pong game in Python. Your AI agentic workflow could include three agents, each with a specific job, collaborating to achieve a more complex goal. This workflow employs three specialized agents:<\/p>\n

  1. User proxy agent:<\/strong> This agent acts as a human administrator, providing the initial game concept and overseeing the project. It will initiate the process, clarify requirements, and run and test the final code.<\/li>\n
  2. Analyst agent:<\/strong> This agent\u2019s role is to translate the game idea provided by the proxy agent into detailed, actionable requirements. The agent will break down the concept into features, technical specifications, and more to create a development roadmap.<\/li>\n
  3. Developer agent:<\/strong> This agent will be provided with a code interpreter tool. Then, it will take the analyst\u2019s requirement and turn it into functional Python code. It will handle the actual implementation of the game, from setting up the window to managing player controls and ball physics.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    This example highlights how AI has moved from basic AI models designed for specific tasks, such as a chatbot or virtual assistant, to more advanced AI agents capable of learning and adapting and interconnected agents collaborating autonomously to solve problems. These workflows will lead to AI agent ecosystems where diverse entities will interact to complete complex tasks across domains.<\/strong><\/p>\n

    While chatbots, virtual assistants, and other standalone AI applications have their place, multiagent systems<\/a> offer many advantages as the field evolves. Let’s explore the benefits of embracing agentic workflow systems.<\/p>\n

    Benefits of AI Agentic Workflows for Organizations<\/h2>\n

    As AI technology advances, organizations must adapt to stay competitive. In fact, a recent survey showed that the use of AI agents is on the rise. According to CIO<\/a> dot com, most executives at large enterprises plan to integrate AI agents into their operations in the next three years.<\/p>\n

    AI agentic workflows have many advantages across industries. In general, they offer:<\/p>\n