{"id":51464,"date":"2024-04-11T07:20:36","date_gmt":"2024-04-11T11:20:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=51464"},"modified":"2024-04-10T15:24:14","modified_gmt":"2024-04-10T19:24:14","slug":"get-ready-for-your-microsoft-copilot-rollout-part-3-adoption-and-enablement","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/get-ready-for-your-microsoft-copilot-rollout-part-3-adoption-and-enablement\/","title":{"rendered":"Get Ready for Your Microsoft Copilot Rollout, Part 3: Adoption and Enablement"},"content":{"rendered":"

Microsoft Copilot adoption and enablement require careful planning and change management. Here\u2019s our tailored approach to ensuring a smooth transition to Copilot that will maximize the tool\u2019s benefits for your organization.<\/h2>\n

In the first two blogs of our Get Ready for Your Microsoft Copilot series, we took deep dives into the available Microsoft Copilots, essential features, strategies for getting the most from your investment<\/a>, and how to prepare and protect your data<\/a>. This final blog focuses on your most important aspect \u2013 your people.<\/p>\n

While Copilot is still emerging, the tool relies heavily on several Microsoft 365 (M365) applications that have been around for years.<\/strong> As a Microsoft AI Cloud Partner<\/a>, we have seen many implementations of modern tools like Microsoft Teams struggle to gain traction within organizations for multiple reasons.<\/p>\n

Below are six steps gleaned from our experiences with effectively solving Microsoft 365 adoption<\/a> and enablement challenges, tweaked and adapted for Copilot\u2019s unique capabilities. They will help ensure your employees not only embrace Copilot<\/a> but also find innovative ways to integrate it into their work.<\/p>\n

1. Know the Current State of Your M365 Experience<\/h2>\n

As a Microsoft 365 shop, you may believe that employees understand the risks and benefits of using M355 applications (Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint Online, and so on). But do you know how effectively employees use these tools or if employee enablement has hit any roadblocks like the inconsistent use of permissions?<\/p>\n

Before your Copilot rollout, assess key M365 metrics like user engagement, feature usage, and feedback to gauge the effectiveness and satisfaction levels with your current M365 experience. These metrics may also identify employee skill gaps and Copilot training opportunities you can address up front.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Knowing where your organization has needed help in the past \u2014 and how employees overcame those challenges \u2014 will prevent costly headaches with Copilot\u2019s expanded M365 capabilities.<\/p>\n

Targeted training programs, workshops, or self-learning online resources will enhance employees’ proficiency and confidence in using M365 tools, laying a solid foundation for their seamless integration of Microsoft Copilot<\/a> into their day-to-day workflows when the time comes.<\/p>\n

You should also assess your employees\u2019 openness to innovation, collaboration, experimentation, and change in the ever-changing digital world. Knowing their tolerance for change will be helpful as you create a clear direction for the organization that inspires buy-in and alignment with its goals and values.<\/p>\n

2. Get Leadership Buy-In on Your Copilot Implementation and Rollout<\/h2>\n

Without leaders who are 100 percent behind your efforts, you put your Copilot implementation and rollout at risk on multiple levels.<\/p>\n

First, you will have a more challenging time securing the necessary budget, time and human resources you’ll need. Starting without adequate resources can have a waterfall effect on your project, negatively affecting everything from planning and training to IT infrastructure. These impacts will hinder your ability to integrate Copilot into your organization’s workflow.<\/strong><\/p>\n

You also need leadership on board to ensure accountability for the project’s success. Without accountability and a lack of clear ownership and responsibility for driving the Copilot rollout forward, you increase the likelihood of delays and setbacks, leading to failure to achieve desired outcomes.<\/p>\n

Finally, you need leadership to align on how Copilot fits your organizational goals: What do you need Copilot to do? How will it move you forward? Answering the hard questions will help you avoid a costly mismatch between the technology’s intended purpose and your organization’s actual needs that can lead to inefficiencies and wasted resources.<\/p>\n

To illustrate, consider a recent experience we had with a stalled Microsoft Teams adoption. Leaders had approved the deployment and invested in Teams without first understanding the tool and what it could do for them. Meanwhile, employees adapted by making the most of Outlook as their Teams instances sat unused.<\/strong><\/p>\n

We met with some of the most resistant executives and invited them to explain their use cases \u2013 the things they struggled to do daily. Once we showed them how Teams could address those needs<\/a>, their fears, anxieties and misunderstandings started to melt away. We then held similar sessions for some of the most adverse employees.<\/p>\n

The result: We created a group of advocates to share their appreciation of the tool and help others work through their use cases. A similar approach would work with Copilot, and it would be a big step toward meeting the needs of your most important resource \u2013 your employees.<\/p>\n

3. Prepare Your Employees with Copilot Training and Communication<\/h2>\n

Employees may resist change, especially if they don\u2019t receive enough communication and training about Microsoft Copilot. Users need support, clear communication, and guidance from leadership \u2013 another reason to start by ensuring leadership alignment. Without clear communication from leadership or proper training sessions, employees may begin to speculate and make assumptions about the tool’s intentions and potential consequences.<\/p>\n

Start by developing a comprehensive communication plan that educates employees about implementing and adopting Microsoft Copilot<\/a>.<\/strong> You will need to share:<\/p>\n