{"id":42796,"date":"2023-05-02T06:57:17","date_gmt":"2023-05-02T10:57:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=42796"},"modified":"2023-06-08T15:11:45","modified_gmt":"2023-06-08T19:11:45","slug":"using-ai-in-software-testing-to-improve-automated-testing","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/using-ai-in-software-testing-to-improve-automated-testing\/","title":{"rendered":"Using AI in Software Testing to Improve Automated Testing"},"content":{"rendered":"

People are fascinated by AI and ChatGPT and are looking for ways to use it. In the tech space, some people are discussing how it will change everything about software and testing, but they are missing something important: We\u2019ve used AI in software testing long before ChatGPT.<\/h2>\n

We\u2019ve cast artificial intelligence (AI) as the boogeyman countering the \u201ctechnology makes everything better\u201d trope in popular culture for decades, from HAL in \u201c2001, A Space Odyssey\u201d to Skynet in the Terminator movies to VIKKI in \u201cI, Robot.\u201d<\/p>\n

An uncertain future tends to unsettle, if not upset, most people. The scary dystopian future because of technology running amok, as presented in those movies and books, speaks to our fear of being replaced.<\/strong> AI-powered robots will take away everyone\u2019s job, from assembly line workers to call centers and now, apparently, to knowledge workers working in software.<\/p>\n

Still, for much of my career, many people listed me as an anti-automation person. I find this interesting because I use various automation tools to assist me in my testing work, even if I don\u2019t use trending name-brand tools. The reason is simple \u2013 those tools often did not do what I needed to do without a lot of extra work.<\/p>\n

I am wary of the new, buzz-word-laden solution people hail as the next great thing to improve the software world. Early automation tools that did record and playback, and nothing else, were similarly acclaimed. The industry also praised the next several test automation<\/a> tools that fixed or avoided the problems of earlier tools.<\/p>\n

Before I go all-in on a revolutionary tool or approach, I want to see real, repeatable evidence that it works as described. I have seen too many people, teams and companies burned by trusting initial advertising.<\/strong><\/p>\n

The cool, new, attention-grabbing thing is ChatGPT and AI <\/a>in software\u00a0testing. So, let\u2019s talk about it.<\/p>\n

AI and ChatGPT<\/h2>\n

A combination of three factors power AI: large volumes of data, significant computing power and the underlying model determining how the AI learns. This model drives the learning algorithms and processes the data, generating results.<\/p>\n

Software professionals use internet searches to debug code problems or resolve other technical problems. We might search for how to write a block of code more efficiently than we have. Or we might look for a better approach to a problem than we currently have.<\/p>\n

Some might argue traditional search engines aren\u2019t AI. But they are among the more common forms of how we use AI daily.<\/strong> The more we search for something and the more often we search using similar keywords, our searches get more granular. They get more precise.<\/p>\n

As we repeat or hone our searches, the algorithms driving the search tool will refine and update presented results based on the results we open or click from previous, similar queries. That behavior, returning results based on what users select from previous keyword search results, is the essence of AI.<\/p>\n

With a generative tool such as ChatGPT, instead of keywords driving selections that return results based on a data source and training, we get a created or built response based on prompts and queries. It is possible to use ChatGPT to do things like:<\/strong><\/p>\n