{"id":42737,"date":"2023-04-26T07:50:06","date_gmt":"2023-04-26T11:50:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=42737"},"modified":"2023-04-26T07:50:06","modified_gmt":"2023-04-26T11:50:06","slug":"navigating-success-in-the-new-wild-west-of-data-governance-strategy","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/navigating-success-in-the-new-wild-west-of-data-governance-strategy\/","title":{"rendered":"Navigating Success in the New Wild West of Data Governance Strategy"},"content":{"rendered":"

For many companies, there are lots of data cowboys \u2014 and no caravan (unified data strategy) in sight. While the boom of data science knowledge and tools within organizations can be exciting, unruly data practices can hurt businesses in the long run. We share why every company needs clear data rules, plus tips about developing a winning data governance strategy.<\/h2>\n

It\u2019s a wonderful new world of data insights and sleek projections that would make any board of directors lean back in their armchairs and nod in approval. With a few clicks, your CEO (who once needed one Xanax, three interns and 10 versions of an Excel sheet to check a purchase order) can now build their own color-coded report about the company’s future. And, yup, just as they suspected \u2014 the future\u2019s looking peachy.<\/p>\n

They\u2019re not the only ones in your organization who are suddenly fluent in data and experimenting with analytics apps to make their teams look amazing. Simple, automated data management tools are unleashing vast analytic potential business leaders couldn\u2019t have imagined even five years ago. We are in the midst of a data gold rush \u2014 and cowboys at every organizational level are teaching themselves how to mine data for priceless business nuggets.<\/p>\n

But don\u2019t let flashy applications lure you into a false sense of security. Your business intelligence is only as smart as the strategic decisions that inform it. Without clear rules and keen oversight, this wonderful new world can quickly return to the old Wild West of data management.<\/strong><\/p>\n

There was once a time when everyone had a spreadsheet \u2014 or even the dreaded SpreadMart \u2014 and no one had the right answers to business questions. Wise leaders will avoid the pitfalls of bad business analytics<\/a> by not simply embracing new tools but by establishing a clear and strategic set of rules to govern them.<\/p>\n

Note: If you don\u2019t know what a SpreadMart is (or you\u2019ve suppressed the memory), see the nightmare example below.<\/p>\n


This image is an example of SpreadMart insanity. Each employee with 10 versions of the same budget \u2014 shifting rules, loose version control, general chaos. Yes, you may see SpreadMart-like practices come back in the form of flexible programs like DataBricks, Python, SQL, and you guessed it, ChatGPT. Still, our use of these programs doesn\u2019t have to be unruly or decentralized like the spreadsheet collections of yesteryear. Reject unruly data practices. Choose data governance strategy.<\/p>\n

What is Data Governance?<\/h2>\n

Data governance is not the same as data management, and every business leader should know the difference. Data governance strategy<\/a> refers to the decisions determining how a business stores, shares and uses data assets (like customer preferences, purchase patterns, and so on).<\/strong> Ideally, executives lead data governance with guidance from IT professionals in close collaboration with the people and teams that use data systems.<\/p>\n

Examples can include shared or centralized:<\/p>\n