{"id":41737,"date":"2023-03-08T12:41:41","date_gmt":"2023-03-08T17:41:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=41737"},"modified":"2023-03-08T12:41:41","modified_gmt":"2023-03-08T17:41:41","slug":"implementing-enterprise-portfolio-project-management-tools-5-ocm-pitfalls-to-avoid","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/implementing-enterprise-portfolio-project-management-tools-5-ocm-pitfalls-to-avoid\/","title":{"rendered":"Implementing Enterprise Portfolio Project Management Tools: 5 OCM Pitfalls to Avoid"},"content":{"rendered":"

Introducing new EPPM tools into your company\u2019s workflows requires planning from both the technical and the people sides. In this blog, we provide insights and best practices for using change management for a smooth transition.<\/h2>\n

As organizations expand their digital transformation efforts, enterprise portfolio and project management (EPPM) capabilities and tools become important. By centralizing and standardizing data and processes as well as reducing variation in planned versus actual costs, EPPM tools and capabilities support significant improvements in on-time and on-budget delivery.<\/p>\n

Realizing these benefits typically requires a major, enterprise-wide initiative to modify planning, scheduling and costing processes and implement new EPPM applications and tools. While the technical aspects of this type of transformation are challenging, we find the organizational change management<\/a> (OCM) or human aspects of EPPM transformation to be equally, if not more, critical to successful results.<\/strong><\/p>\n

This blog will focus on five change management pitfalls and how to avoid them. Along the way, we\u2019ll provide some best practices to help you maximize your effectiveness.<\/p>\n

1. Starting OCM Activities Late (or Not at All)<\/h2>\n

Although most of our clients no longer make this mistake, we still see change management activities and deliverables reduced, eliminated or delayed in a mistaken effort to lower the cost of implementation. Doing so inevitably results in delays and cost overruns on the back end.<\/strong> Recent global research by Ernst & Young<\/a> found that \u201cOrganisations that put humans at the centre of their transformation journey are 2.6 times more likely to be successful than those that do not (73% chance of success versus only 28%).\u201d This is consistent with our experience. We subscribe to the axiom, \u201cYou can\u2019t separate project management and change management<\/a>.\u201d<\/p>\n

A few best practices to avoid this pitfall include:<\/strong><\/p>\n