{"id":37027,"date":"2022-07-26T11:26:25","date_gmt":"2022-07-26T15:26:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=37027"},"modified":"2022-11-17T13:40:30","modified_gmt":"2022-11-17T18:40:30","slug":"investing-in-customer-understanding-and-empathy-customer-experience-management","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/investing-in-customer-understanding-and-empathy-customer-experience-management\/","title":{"rendered":"Customer Experience Management Starts With Customer Understanding and Empathy"},"content":{"rendered":"

The time and money you invest in customer understanding can be significant, but the costs of not investing in them and an overarching customer experience management (CXM) strategy can be much greater.<\/h2>\n

Previous blog posts have explored three methods for gathering qualitative information about your customers: in-depth customer interviews<\/a>, journey mapping and observational interviews. Still, leaders may wonder, \u201cThese are expensive \u2013 haven\u2019t we done enough?\u201d<\/p>\n

While each tool does provide valuable insights in its own way, they can only achieve their full potential as part of a customer experience management<\/a> (CXM) strategy. Investing in such a strategy is essential to becoming a fully realized customer-centric organization.<\/p>\n

Why? Because CXM evolves the customer experience design<\/a> (CX)\/customer centricity movement. As organizations have realized that true CX is an ideology that must permeate the entire organization, they have also realized their need for a strategy vehicle that will allow them to properly design for, engage with and manage customer experiences.<\/strong><\/p>\n

CXM fills this strategic gap. It is the ideology that allows organizations to react to and design for their desired audiences based on the insights and information they already have or gather through interviews, journey mapping<\/a> or other methods. A mature CXM capability allows them to constantly evolve how their brands interact with their constituents.<\/p>\n

Preparing for the Journey to Customer Experience Management<\/h2>\n

Where most brands fail is assimilating CXM (the creative process of experience development) and customer experience design (CXD, determining what they need to create to deliver that experience). Not a stand-alone entity, CXD helps fully enable CXM across an organization\u2019s functional areas.<\/strong> Here is how we think of the way CXM and CXD go together to ensure success:<\/p>\n


Organizations must realize a few things before they can set out on their journey to CXM:<\/p>\n

1. You must earn the right to do more with customers.<\/h3>\n

When evolving into CXM, brands need to start small. Fix the things users expect from you.<\/strong> These are things your brand stands for and are known for. However, they don\u2019t mean much if you don\u2019t fulfill your promises to your customers. Fixing things that matter most \u2013 the expectations of your brand promises \u2013 will inherently begin to build more trust more quickly. Additionally, you will learn what you are and are not ready for based on how mature your organization is when compared to standard CXM models similar to ours above.<\/p>\n

2. All things are not created equal, and that\u2019s OK.<\/h3>\n

As you become more mature and can prove to yourself the right structures are in place for CXM \u2013 the right in-house skills, partner capabilities, data needed for decision making and so on \u2013 you will quickly realize you have places to focus on that will drive more value than others. The key to success isn\u2019t necessarily to only maximize those opportunities but also how can you build on your successes to implement and adapt the other services and experiences.<\/strong> Doing so will automatically decrease the cost to serve customers, therefore creating more value, just in a different way.<\/p>\n

3. CXM maturity will change the entire organization over time, more than leadership teams realize, and that\u2019s OK.<\/h3>\n

In fact, it\u2019s expected. As brands mature their models and further integrate into business operations, things will change, but they will change for the better. New perspectives on decision making, communication, planning and so on will benefit every facet of your operations. In turn, your organization will experience excitement as new core competencies emerge that will better manifest the idea of CXM<\/strong>. Affected assets include:<\/p>\n