{"id":35365,"date":"2022-05-04T09:35:59","date_gmt":"2022-05-04T13:35:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=35365"},"modified":"2023-01-26T08:25:09","modified_gmt":"2023-01-26T13:25:09","slug":"five-signs-that-your-organization-needs-to-scale-agile","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/five-signs-that-your-organization-needs-to-scale-agile\/","title":{"rendered":"Five Signs That Your Organization Needs to Scale Agile"},"content":{"rendered":"

Scaling Agile is a big decision. We\u2019ve outlined signs that your organization may be ready as well as next steps to get you started on your journey.<\/h2>\n

Agile<\/a> is a project management and software development<\/a> methodology that focuses on creating collaborative environments in which solutions evolve between cross-functional teams. Quick turnarounds, adaptability and repetition, rather than a top-down approach, are key to Agile. It generally starts with a single team and expands to departments and, ultimately, the entire enterprise.<\/p>\n

Perhaps you\u2019ve run a successful pilot with a single or a few teams, or maybe you\u2019ve used Agile within your organization for years. The question then becomes: When do you take the big leap to scale Agile?<\/strong><\/p>\n

If you are uncertain of the signs that it\u2019s time to scale, this article will help you determine if it\u2019s time to take the next steps to adopt Agile practices across your entire enterprise. If your organization has noticed one or more of the following, it may be time to scale.<\/p>\n

Five Signs Your Organization Needs to Scale Agile<\/h2>\n

1. Trouble with Dependencies<\/h3>\n

You may notice your teams work great independently, but they have challenges with dependencies and cross-team collaboration. The cause may be too many interdependencies, leading to teams becoming too reliant on one another.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Departments may struggle to break work into independent deliverables one or two teams can complete within expected timelines, which leads to slow progress and missed commitments. Missing from your practice is the scaled Agile\u2019s coordination and predictability across multiple teams and levels. Companies miss out when they don\u2019t have a standard approach and a common language to collaborate across teams and departments.<\/p>\n

2. Team Duplication<\/h3>\n

A surefire sign it\u2019s time to step up to scaled Agile is if teams unknowingly duplicate work. For example, someone may recreate the same or similar tools rather than creating them once and sharing them. You may also notice problems in common functionalities. For example, teams may build similar APIs for the same purpose but in separate ways depending on which team wrote the code.<\/p>\n

3. Problems with Product Cohesion<\/h3>\n

Another indication you\u2019re ready to scale is if your product lacks a uniform customer experience or doesn\u2019t have a coherent architecture. This lack of cohesion leads to multiple problems, making it confusing for customers to navigate the product and find the services they need.<\/strong> This also makes it difficult for teams to support the underlying applications and add new functionality.<\/p>\n

4. Agile Team Effectiveness Not Improving<\/h3>\n

If you\u2019ve tried diverse ways to increase your teams\u2019 effectiveness but haven\u2019t seen much benefit, you may have reached a point of diminishing returns or where significant effort at the team level leads to minimal improvement.<\/p>\n

Development at the individual team level can only go so far before teams begin to create optimizations that slow the overall rate of delivery. When that happens, consider scaling to bring Agile techniques to higher levels of the organization, eliminate systemic problems and increase your overall effectiveness.<\/p>\n

5. Lack of Enterprise Business Agility<\/h3>\n

Finally, if your small teams can\u2019t keep up with changes in the market that demand a shift from simple gadgets to complex solutions, it\u2019s an unmistakable sign you need business agility throughout your enterprise.<\/p>\n

You\u2019ll need the right amount of structure and governance to help several large teams working on complex solutions, which may mean bringing your entire organization under one roof and linking all departments, people and work around your business\u2019s value streams.<\/p>\n

Before You Scale Agile<\/h2>\n

You can\u2019t scale bad code \u2013 This sentiment also applies to scaling teams. Do not attempt to move ahead with scaling Agile until you have succeeded with one team<\/strong>. The team will only face more challenges when integrating their work across teams into a single product increment.<\/p>\n

Even if your team seems to operate well, before considering scaling to future teams, ensure the pilot team:<\/p>\n