{"id":32542,"date":"2021-07-09T07:57:00","date_gmt":"2021-07-09T11:57:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=32542"},"modified":"2021-12-15T00:19:35","modified_gmt":"2021-12-15T05:19:35","slug":"talent-retention-in-a-hybrid-workplace-world","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/talent-retention-in-a-hybrid-workplace-world\/","title":{"rendered":"Talent Retention in a Hybrid Workplace World"},"content":{"rendered":"

We share insights from the latest CIO meet-up, including their thoughts on moving forward with the hybrid workplace.<\/h2>\n

It\u2019s both amazing and not at all how attitudes have changed towards remote work over the past 15 or so months. Over that timeframe, the CIOs<\/a> I meet with have gone from active execution of return to office plans last July to grudging acceptance of remote work temporarily in the fall to active execution of hybrid workplace plans this spring.<\/p>\n

But now, there\u2019s definitely a stronger feeling of permanence to this shift that staff and leadership have realized over this past year, along with noticing a new paradigm is taking hold. In fact, according to Microsoft\u2019s 2021 Work Trend Index<\/a> report, 73 percent of employees want a hybrid workplace<\/a>, and 40 percent are considering a job change in 2021.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Furthermore, McKinsey<\/a> notes in its What Executives are Saying about Hybrid Work<\/a> report, 9 out of 10 companies will adopt a hybrid work environment, but only 32 percent have communicated their vision or have a detailed plan in place.<\/p>\n

Keeping Employees in a Remote and Hybrid Work World<\/h2>\n

To be sure, not everyone is on board with remote work<\/a> being a permanent part of their company\u2019s makeup.<\/strong> And that attitude is concentrated at the senior executive level, especially among CEOs, CFOs and COOs \u2013 but CIOs, not so much. They\u2019ve always realized that, with technology, their teams could be every bit as productive wherever they were versus being in an office.<\/p>\n

As they\u2019re working through the hybrid model, they\u2019re coming to some concerning realizations.<\/strong><\/p>\n