{"id":31931,"date":"2021-04-27T07:54:54","date_gmt":"2021-04-27T11:54:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=31931"},"modified":"2023-07-18T15:11:06","modified_gmt":"2023-07-18T19:11:06","slug":"4-key-ocm-considerations-before-implementing-change","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/4-key-ocm-considerations-before-implementing-change\/","title":{"rendered":"4 Key OCM Considerations Before Implementing Change"},"content":{"rendered":"

Business transformation, for most companies, has moved beyond optional to expected. We share four OCM points to consider before diving into your next company-wide change.<\/h2>\n

Business is in a constant state of\u00a0transformational change<\/strong><\/a> right now, and this state appears to be here to stay. Companies are now rapidly changing how they work by investing in and embracing the benefits of cloud technology and new hybrid work approaches<\/a>\u00a0at an unprecedented rate.<\/p>\n

Organizations that were previously skeptical of working from the cloud now realize the cloud is their future, whether they planned for it or not. The virtual or hybrid working model completely upended the traditional model of in-person working and is likely to be the standard for many organizations moving forward.<\/p>\n

All of these changes are impacting organizations\u2019 people, processes, technology and data. No matter how organizations want to transform themselves, then we cannot understate the focus on the people side of the equation. This area is also where many organizations are currently failing \u2013 leaving those driving their talent management strategy and functions scrambling to address pressing issues.<\/p>\n

Many organizations believe focusing on people (i.e., organizational change management<\/a> (OCM)) means only communications and training. The truth is that communications and training are usually only a small (albeit important) part of enabling effective and sustained change.<\/strong> In this blog, we will focus on four key OCM considerations all organizations need to consider as you transform both the how and where your people best work in this new environment.<\/p>\n

1. Align Leadership to One Overall Transformational Vision, Direction and Story<\/h2>\n

Have you ever experienced working for an organization with a lack of clarity around why various transformations are occurring, what the objectives are, or what they consider to be a success? Odds are, many of you have probably experienced, or are currently experiencing, transformations like this.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, you have likely observed transformations that tend to be unsuccessful or face tremendous challenges throughout their duration because the core intent and planned objectives were never thoroughly thought out or communicated by leadership.<\/strong> Now, add the complication of most organizations\u2019 employees currently working largely remote.<\/p>\n

Regardless of the size of the transformation or even where people are working, project sponsors and leadership’s alignment to the purpose, vision, objectives, guiding principles, and overall success criteria at the start of an initiative is critical to obtaining the expected desired outcomes. Aligning leadership early on and continuously<\/a> around these factors establishes and maintains the framework for any transformation.<\/p>\n

More importantly, it sets the stage for the OCM team to effectively communicate and engage with the different stakeholder groups across the organization to drive them from awareness to sustainment. Leadership alignment to these factors becomes the bedrock for enabling effective change as part of any transformation and helping to provide and reinforce clear direction and guidelines across the entire organization.<\/p>\n

2. Build or Enhance Your Ability to Effectively Enable Change within Your Organization<\/h2>\n

If your organization has struggled to bring about change in the past effectively, odds are one of the items you overlooked was the overall ability to enable change effectively. With a re-invigorated interest in the cloud and the rise of virtual and hybrid work models, organizations need to take a serious look at their ability to effectively enable change when they are about to embark on those transformations. Key questions your organization should ask include:<\/strong><\/p>\n