{"id":31504,"date":"2021-02-09T07:56:11","date_gmt":"2021-02-09T12:56:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=31504"},"modified":"2021-12-15T00:19:02","modified_gmt":"2021-12-15T05:19:02","slug":"how-i-learned-to-lead-a-customer-centric-remote-call-center","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/how-i-learned-to-lead-a-customer-centric-remote-call-center\/","title":{"rendered":"How I Learned to Lead a Customer-Centric Remote Call Center \u2014 5 Years Before the Pandemic"},"content":{"rendered":"

In 2015, I transitioned my call-center team from office work to remote work, teaching me how to lead in remote environments. Who thought that would ever be useful?<\/h2>\n

2015 was an insane year. Like, wild wild west, insane. Folks shook hands with complete disregard to social distancing. Six feet apart was no consideration when engaging in those awkward hugs that none of us really enjoyed, but so desperately long for now. You could see everyone\u2019s entire face. Toilet paper abounded, and while hand sanitizer flowed freely, hardly anyone used it. Working remote was a luxury. It was absolute anarchy.<\/p>\n

Given today\u2019s world, you wouldn\u2019t think those circumstances could move an entire team from office work to remote work, but it happened six years ago in my pre-Centric Consulting days when I was managing a 24\/7 hospital system call center. Despite adopting a remote model in less challenging circumstances than those we\u2019re experiencing today, the lessons I learned as I led my team to a new remote world<\/a> are still true.<\/p>\n

Spoiler alert: Success in a remote world isn\u2019t rocket science. However, as my colleagues at Centric write in their new white paper, \u201cBusiness Anywhere: Our Guide to Becoming a Digital-First Organization<\/a>,\u201d you need intentional, regular interactions to create connections when working remotely.<\/strong> This is especially true when your employees may have spent the last year feeling like they\u2019re on a virtual island during a pandemic.<\/p>\n

Why We Transitioned to Remote Work<\/h2>\n

Before we get into the lessons learned, I should probably give you some background. Just so we are clear, I have no crystal ball or future-predicting abilities. If that were the case, I would be writing this from my private island in the Bahamas, rather than my basement in the Midwest.<\/p>\n

The call center I managed in 2015 received after-hours calls for roughly 500 pediatricians and 250 adult primary care physicians across the St. Louis<\/a> region in Missouri and Illinois. We had a team of 25 individuals, and we were doing pretty poorly when it came to nationally recognized call-center metrics. Our average speed of answer (the time it took our agents to answer an incoming call) was three or four times the national benchmark, which resulted in painfully long wait times for patients to speak with a clinician.<\/p>\n

If you\u2019ve ever put your child to bed at night and noticed that something seemed \u201coff,\u201d you can understand how any amount of time spent waiting for someone to respond or speak is unbearable \u2013 let alone waiting for several minutes.<\/p>\n

In our quest to get better, we realized we needed to overhaul our schedule and move to a remote model. We knew becoming a remote workplace would be the elusive \u201cgame-changer\u201d that would allow us to serve our patients better.<\/strong><\/p>\n

We started by creating remote working policies that would allow us to flex staff when we saw increases in call volume and schedule regular \u201chalf-shifts\u201d for predicted busy times. Then, we communicated our new policies to employees.<\/p>\n

But this was only the beginning. At the time, I didn\u2019t fully grasp how I\u2019d have to change my game to be a better leader of remote workers \u2014 one who provided clear guidance to remote workers, ensured they had the necessary tools and skills, and modeled good remote-work behaviors.<\/p>\n

The goal was not just to improve our metrics but to create a people-centric workforce. We design people-centric workforces for collaboration, productivity and team effectiveness, but they also enable employee well-being and personal engagement.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Creating \u2014 and Leading \u2014 a People-Centric Remote Team<\/h2>\n

For me, the first step toward creating a people-centric remote workforce was becoming more intentional about interacting with my team. When we were in the office, I could easily stop by people\u2019s desks to say \u201chi\u201d and chat with them to see how things were going.<\/p>\n

In my new remote environment, I initially found it easy to forget about the people I served as a leader. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Looking back on the first couple of weeks, it was as if robots had replaced my team of humans, who were now just names in my chat program.<\/p>\n

I quickly realized that my team craved meaningful work interactions just as much as I did. So we took steps to ensure we all enjoyed those interactions:<\/strong><\/p>\n