{"id":29438,"date":"2020-05-07T08:30:55","date_gmt":"2020-05-07T12:30:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=29438"},"modified":"2023-09-13T17:15:45","modified_gmt":"2023-09-13T21:15:45","slug":"there-is-no-going-back-how-to-permanently-adopt-remote-work","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/there-is-no-going-back-how-to-permanently-adopt-remote-work\/","title":{"rendered":"There Is No Going Back: How to Permanently Adopt Remote Work"},"content":{"rendered":"

Now that so many organizations have had to implement virtual work, many are considering permanently adopting it. Learn the steps you need to take to make remote work a cohesive part of your overall business.<\/h2>\n

When the pandemic hit, and companies rushed \u2014 unprepared \u2014 into working virtually, many remote work proponents felt disappointed. They worried this would set the work-from-home movement back because companies and employees would have a bad experience.<\/p>\n

They weren’t wrong to be worried. Businesses were not adopting the experiment under normal circumstances. They had little preparation and training, less-than-ideal tools and processes in place, and multiple distractions, including kids trying to do schoolwork from home.<\/p>\n

Now that the qualitative and quantitative data is coming in, however, we see this unplanned experiment has been a success. Many businesses, in fact, plan to adopt remote work strategies permanently.<\/p>\n

This guide provides a broad overview of what companies should consider if they plan to adopt remote work permanently.<\/p>\n


The Results Are In<\/a><\/p>\n

Quantifiable Data<\/a><\/p>\n

Permanently Adopt Remote Work<\/a><\/p>\n







<\/a>The Results Are in: Remote Is a Success<\/h2>\n

Since the pandemic, we have helped many companies implement remote communication tools and train their workforce on how to work remotely, giving us a front-row seat to how well organizations are adapting to the change.<\/p>\n

Here is what we are seeing and hearing from our clients:<\/p>\n