{"id":28756,"date":"2020-03-10T22:41:24","date_gmt":"2020-03-11T02:41:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=28756"},"modified":"2023-08-21T11:06:43","modified_gmt":"2023-08-21T15:06:43","slug":"how-to-stay-connected-productive-when-transitioning-to-remote-work","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/how-to-stay-connected-productive-when-transitioning-to-remote-work\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Maintain a Productive, Connected Culture When Transitioning to Remote Work"},"content":{"rendered":"

Read excerpts from Larry English’s book, “Office Optional: How to Build a Connected Culture with Virtual Teams” for insights into how to stay productive and connected when transitioning to remote work.<\/h2>\n

We\u2019ve been operating our company without direct office space for over 20 years<\/a>, embracing a virtual model when we\u2019re not working at client sites or connecting in person. While working remotely has become second nature to us, that doesn\u2019t mean it was an easy journey, and we\u2019ve learned many lessons on how to operate a company with remote workers successfully.<\/p>\n

My book, \u201cOffice Optional: How to Build a Connected Culture With Virtual Teams,\u201d focuses on how to build a great culture when you have a mostly virtual workforce.<\/p>\n

In the following excerpts, I\u2019ve provided a quick guide on how to maintain productivity and a sense of connectedness as you move your teams to work from home.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n

\n Need more tips, tools and techniques to work from anywhere?\n <\/div>\n
\n \n\n Let's talk\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n

Trust Your Remote Team<\/h2>\n

The immediate pushback I hear from executives considering remote work is that virtual employees will simply not work as hard as they would under in-person supervision. The reality is the opposite: remote workers end up working too much<\/a> because their work is always right in front of them, and they need to learn to find healthy boundaries. We have worked with thousands of people over the last 20 years and can count on our hands how many times we\u2019ve had an issue where someone was intentionally not working.<\/p>\n

Based on our experience, you should trust your team when you aren\u2019t directly observing them.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Many companies also mistakenly assume their management and measurement structures need to be revamped for virtual workers. Just like a brick-and-mortar company, if you have a good management structure in place where you are reviewing work product at an appropriate pace when someone isn’t performing, it shows up immediately. You should be able to translate your existing management structure to virtual with very little change.<\/p>\n

If you are rushing to push your team to remote, don\u2019t spend your time worrying if you can trust your team to work or spend time trying to figure out ways to monitor them through software. Instead, focus on training them on how to work remotely.<\/p>\n

Prepare Your Teams for Remote Work<\/h2>\n

If you find yourselves rushing to get your employees’ set-up to work remotely, develop a training guide or cheat sheet for how to manage their day and the expectations you have for them. The most important part of that guide for them will be how to set healthy boundaries. Here are a few things they\u2019ll need to consider:<\/p>\n

Find a Healthy Balance<\/h4>\n

Many new remote workers worry they\u2019ll be distracted by their home life and lack the discipline to get work done. Instead, the exact opposite usually occurs: Remote workers become more productive<\/a> once freed from a traditional office environment. Perhaps this shouldn\u2019t be a surprise since working remotely means fewer distractions, no commute and the opportunity to take real breaks.<\/p>\n

A productivity increase is good, but many remote workers take it too far and end up working too much. How does this happen? The boundaries between your personal and work lives disappear. The laptop is always right there in front of you, and your mobile phone is always on. Your ability to jump between work and personal tasks is suddenly a lot easier, but if you switch back and forth all day long, it quickly adds up.<\/p>\n

I\u2019ve found the best approach is to allow employees to create healthy boundaries that work best for them and when they are most productive during the day. Based on their life schedule, let them determine the time periods during business hours that are strictly for work, and when they\u2019ll be taking breaks. They need to develop the discipline to respect those times so that they can achieve a healthy balance. Encourage them to share their approach with their family so that everyone knows when to leave them alone so they can stay focused on work.<\/p>\n

Also, if someone hasn’t worked remotely before, there\u2019s usually an adjustment period as they figure out how to make it work for their home environment and schedule. Those who are initially reluctant to make the switch usually love it once they get their new routine down.<\/p>\n

Create the Right At-Home Approach<\/h4>\n

When employees begin to work remotely, they\u2019ll need to form new habits and make decisions around how they get work done. The way their day flows is up to them now (to an extent). Let them architect a customized approach. This requires some experimentation, but some of the initial considerations include:<\/p>\n