{"id":26347,"date":"2019-03-20T10:27:52","date_gmt":"2019-03-20T15:27:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/?p=26347"},"modified":"2022-08-30T11:51:36","modified_gmt":"2022-08-30T15:51:36","slug":"insurance-data-where-did-that-number-come-from","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/insurance-data-where-did-that-number-come-from\/","title":{"rendered":"Insurance Data: Where Did That Number Come From?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Dealing with insurance data? Apply these four concepts for a single version of the facts, a single interpretation into truth and confidence in your conclusions.<\/h2>\n

Part of a blog series.<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n

A common story. A tragic story. An avoidable story. An insurance<\/a> company has recently marked retention as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for a new three-year thrust.<\/p>\n

A C-level executive calls a kick-off meeting, and the agenda is set to discuss each department\u2019s contribution. Department heads vigorously prepare, but the enthusiasm is quickly dampened. They discover that each of the ten department heads has a separate version of the current retention rate. There is no discussion about improving retention, and the meeting devolves into an argument over which number reflects the \u201ctruth.\u201d<\/p>\n

If you have worked around data warehouses for any length of time, I\u2019m sure you have similar stories. <\/strong>It turns out that there is a simple, but not easy, solution. Stated simply, \u201cProvide everyone with a single version of truth<\/em>.\u201d A simple goal, but even the definition is hard.<\/p>\n

What is \u201ctruth?\u201d<\/p>\n

Facts are Not Truth, and Truth is Not Only Facts<\/h2>\n

A fact is a piece of information. That piece of information can be correct, or not. That piece of information can be shared by all, or not. The systems that load a data warehouse will usually have steps in place to conform and clean facts. But there are questions we should ask:<\/strong><\/p>\n