{"id":13451,"date":"2017-03-07T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2017-03-07T06:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/post\/breathe-life-back-into-mobile-app\/"},"modified":"2022-08-02T19:49:24","modified_gmt":"2022-08-02T23:49:24","slug":"breathe-life-back-into-mobile-app","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/breathe-life-back-into-mobile-app\/","title":{"rendered":"5 Ways To Breathe Life Back Into Your Mobile App"},"content":{"rendered":"

As your mobile users start to\u00a0suffer from mobile app fatigue, here are some best practices you can implement to re-engage them.<\/h2>\n

Blog one of a series<\/a>.<\/em><\/h2>\n

As smartphone owners begin showing early signs of app fatigue, businesses across a variety of industries are finding it increasingly difficult to engage customers.<\/p>\n

According to\u00a0Business Insider<\/a>, a typical U.S. smartphone owner uses approximately 27 apps, a number that has stayed fairly constant for the past four years.<\/p>\n

In order for your company\u2019s app to be part of that 27, it needs to be more useful and effective than other options out there. Breathing life back into your app can be done with a little work.<\/p>\n

Below, we have outlined\u00a0five best practices:<\/p>\n

Best Practice #1: Provide a Meaningful Service that Customers Want<\/h2>\n

Many companies continue to follow a strategy established at the end of the last century: build a website that is static, one-way and disconnected from the needs of the individual user.<\/p>\n

Unfortunately, there are far too many apps that are \u201ctiny web\u201d equivalents of the company website. User needs don\u2019t come first and, as a result, apps are used once or twice and then deleted.<\/p>\n

A key ingredient to a successful mobile strategy: Beautifully designed, easy-to-use apps supported by a business model that provides a service customers can\u2019t live without.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Providing a service that customers can\u2019t live without requires a unique feature or selling point.<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s consider Uber as an example:<\/p>\n