{"id":13054,"date":"2016-04-12T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2016-04-12T04:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/post\/going-beyond-intranet-growing-engagement-digital-workplace\/"},"modified":"2021-12-15T00:12:45","modified_gmt":"2021-12-15T05:12:45","slug":"going-beyond-intranet-growing-engagement-digital-workplace","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centricconsulting.com\/blog\/going-beyond-intranet-growing-engagement-digital-workplace\/","title":{"rendered":"Going Beyond the Intranet: Growing Engagement with the Digital Workplace"},"content":{"rendered":"

Companies wanting to improve\u00a0employee engagement and increase productivity are looking beyond traditional intranet and implementing the next phase of technology: the Digital Workplace.<\/h2>\n

In most organizations, the corporate intranet is the place employees go to get HR forms, check the employee handbook or find a co-worker\u2019s phone extension. The intranet is likely very information-heavy, with static policy manuals and forms, company news, and a collection of internal sites in various stages of being current and maintained.<\/p>\n

While the intranet may offer a great deal of content, employees probably view it as stale and outdated. Furthermore, their only means of\u00a0accessing the intranet is likely through the standard browser on their company-issued desktop or laptop.<\/p>\n

If that’s the case, corporate intranet is likely viewed as almost a necessary evil to the organization, offering little benefit that\u00a0does not make\u00a0people in the organization more productive, more knowledgeable or more engaged in the organization\u2019s mission, vision, and values. Because there\u2019s a little-perceived value from the intranet, fixing it becomes a low priority. Most organizations resign themselves to the fact that their intranet will always be that place where people go when they need a few specific things, and nothing more.<\/p>\n

The Corporate Intranet Conundrum<\/h2>\n

Many companies have tried to remedy the intranet quandary. They invest in intranet redesign projects, come up with creative names and hold exciting launch events. But, many of these redesign projects fail to address the core problem of the intranet, and the organization soon learns that putting a pretty face on old content and structure fails to enhance the value of the intranet. It yet again remains a place employees go to for HR information or to find a specific document.<\/p>\n

If you talk to the leaders of almost any organization, they\u2019ll tell you that their goals are:<\/p>\n