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Serverless Computing: All The Details and Benefits

This article explores the latest trend in cloud: serverless computing. It aims to streamline tasks and reduce costs of running a server.

Cloud 101: Advantages of Moving to the Cloud

Have questions about cloud computing basics? In part one of a four-part blog series, we highlight the advantages of moving to the cloud.

Cloud 101 Series: What is Cloud Computing?

In this five-part blog series, we'll walk you through cloud computing basics. This post focuses on what cloud computing is.

Upgrade Your Cloud Monitoring Now With These 3 Essential Microsoft Tools

Cloud monitoring helps you manage your cloud-based applications and services. Learn more about it and three Microsoft tools that can help.

Alexa, How’s the Surf? Revisited – With Improved Amazon Skills

Chris Martinez, who is AWS Certified, has some updates to make on his last Alexa blog, now that he's improved his Amazon skills.

Azure Services: The Information Management of Microsoft Cortana

Like other parts of Cortana Suite, Microsoft has provided Azure services that include infrastructure, platforms, software, networking.

Microsoft Cortana and the Financial Services Industry

Our Data & Analytics team explores key features and capabilities of Microsoft Cortana that can help financial services companies.

Microsoft Cortana and the Retail Industry

Learn how retailers can benefit from Microsoft Cortana Intelligence Suite in the next blog of a series by our Data & Analytics team.

Cortana and the Healthcare Industry

Learn how Microsoft Cortana can lead healthcare industry's digital transformation to intelligent, patient-centered organizations.

Microsoft Cortana Intelligence Suite: Implementation and Cost Factors

In blog five of a series, we explore the implementation and cost factors associated with Microsoft Cortana Intelligence Suite.

Microsoft Cortana: A Rising Star in a Competitive Landscape

Organizations should take a hard look at Microsoft Cortana Intelligence Suite and include it in Advanced Analytics Platform assessments.

Alexa, How’s the Surf?: Developing Skills for the Amazon Echo

Amazon's Echo offers developers opportunities for developing Skills for the device. Chris Martinez shares his formula for a surf Skill.