Centric ranks 15th in Employee Satisfaction

DAYTON, Ohio, Dec. 9, 2015 – Centric Consulting has been honored with a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award, recognizing the Best Places to Work in 2016. Centric Consulting ranked 15th on a list of 50 in the SMB category.

LOGOThe Employees’ Choice Awards program, now in its eighth year, relies solely on the input of employees who elect to provide feedback on their jobs, work environments and companies via Glassdoor

“Centric’s success is driven largely by the commitment of our employees to create unmatched experiences for our clients and each other,” said Centric President Larry English. “This award is a tremendous honor and great recognition of that commitment.”

On Glassdoor, current and former employees of companies worldwide can share both quantitative and qualitative data about their workplace experience in a survey designed to capture a genuine and authentic inside look at what it’s like to work at particular jobs and companies. The survey asks employees to rate their satisfaction with the company overall, and key workplace factors such as career opportunities, compensation, benefits, work/life balance, senior management, as well as culture and values. In addition, employees are asked to describe the best reasons to work at their companies as well as any downsides.

“Centric strives to be an open and transparent company,” said Carmen Fontana, Centric’s National Talent Acquisition Manager. “The feedback we receive from reviews on Glassdoor give us great insight into what we should continue to do and where there are opportunities to improve. We read each review and take all feedback into consideration so we can be a “Best Place to Work” that continues to get better.”

The Best Places to Work are determined using company reviews shared by U.S. based employees between November 3, 2014 and November 1, 2015. To be considered for the SMB category, a company must have less than 1,000 employees and have received at least 25 company reviews from U.S.-based employees during the window of eligibility. The final list is compiled based on Glassdoor’s proprietary algorithm, and takes into account quantity, quality and consistency of reviews.

“Everyone wants a job and company they love,” said Glassdoor co-founder and CEO Robert Hohman. “Programs like the Employees’ Choice Awards allow us to honor employers that stand out for their efforts in providing an enjoyable work environment and culture.”

See the complete list of the Glassdoor Best Places to Work in 2016 in the SMB category.

Learn more about career opportunities at Centric by visiting hrcstrategy.com/careers and by following updates on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Access a PDF of the official news release here.

About Centric Consulting

Centric Consulting is a business consulting and technology solutions firm providing full-service consulting services. Centric’s expert consultants help clients tackle their toughest business challenges with innovative, balanced, and measurable solutions. With more than 600 employees in 12 cities across the U.S., Centric is known for helping clients drive operational efficiency, improve customer service, and increase profitability. Centric was founded in 1999 and is a privately owned company.

Centric Consulting Media Contact:

Misty Walsh
National Marketing Manager

About Glassdoor

Glassdoor is the most transparent jobs and career marketplace that is changing how people search for jobs and how companies recruit top talent. Glassdoor combines free and anonymous reviews, ratings and salary content with job listings to help job seekers find the best jobs and address critical questions that come up during the job search, application, interview and negotiation phases of employment. For employers, Glassdoor offers recruiting and employer branding solutions to help attract high-quality candidates at a fraction of the cost of other channels. In addition, Glassdoor operates one of the most popular job apps on iOS and Android platforms. The company launched in 2008 and has raised approximately $160 million from Google Capital, Tiger Global, Benchmark, Battery Ventures, Sutter Hill Ventures, DAG Ventures, Dragoneer Investment Group, and others.

Glassdoor.com is a registered trademark of Glassdoor, Inc.

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