Honored by Glassdoor as one of the Best Places to Work in 2016, Centric receives further recognition in a nod to employee satisfaction.

Dayton, Ohio – June 8, 2016 – Centric Consulting CEO Dave Rosevelt has been honored among Glassdoor’s Highest Rated CEOs for 2016 in an annual report recognizing top leaders in countries throughout North America and parts of Europe.

Glassdoor Highest Rated CEO Winner LogoRanking 8th among 25 CEOs recognized in the U.S. at SMB companies, Rosevelt received an impressive rating based on the anonymous and voluntary reviews that Centric Consulting employees shared on Glassdoor throughout the past year.

“This honor is really more of a recognition of Centric’s overall leadership team, as well as my longtime partners, Larry English, and Eric Van Luven, than it is about me,” said Rosevelt.  “Centric has steadily grown over the past five years, as we focus on creating unmatched experiences for our clients and employees. While there is always room for improvement, it’s great to see that employees are generally happy with the direction we’ve set for the company over the years.”

CEO approval ratings are gathered through Glassdoor’s online company review survey, which seeks to gain current and former employee sentiment about job and company satisfaction, the work environment and the culture. Employees are asked to rate a number of workplace factors like compensation and benefits as well as work-life balance and asked whether they approve or disapprove of the way their CEO is leading the company. Employees are also asked to describe some of the upsides and downsides of working for the company and provide any advice for senior management.

Earlier this year, Centric Consulting was also honored as one of the Best Places to Work in 2016, a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award in which the company ranked 15th on a list of 50 in the SMB category.

“Centric’s greatest asset is our employees and their happiness is central to everything we do. All of Centric’s leaders strive to keep client and employee needs at the forefront. If we’re successful in that, everything else will fall into place,” added Rosevelt.

See the complete list of all Highest Rated CEOs in 2016.

Learn more about Centric by visiting hrcstrategy.com and by following updates on LinkedInTwitter and Facebook.

About Centric Consulting

Centric Consulting is a business consulting and technology solutions firm providing full-service consulting services. Centric’s expert consultants help clients tackle their toughest business challenges with innovative, balanced, and measurable solutions. With more than 700 employees in 13 cities in the U.S. and India, Centric is known for helping clients drive operational efficiency, improve customer service, and increase profitability. Centric was founded in 1999 and is a privately owned company.

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Glassdoor is the most transparent jobs and recruiting marketplace that is changing how people search for jobs and how companies recruit top talent. Glassdoor combines free and anonymous reviews, ratings and salary content with job listings to help job seekers find the best jobs and address critical questions that come up during the job search, application, interview and negotiation phases of employment. For employers, Glassdoor offers recruiting and employer branding solutions to help attract high-quality candidates at a fraction of the cost of other channels. In addition, Glassdoor operates one of the most popular job apps on iOS and Android platforms. The company launched in 2008 and has raised approximately $160 million from Google Capital, Tiger Global, Benchmark, Battery Ventures, Sutter Hill Ventures, DAG Ventures, Dragoneer Investment Group and others.

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Centric Consulting Media Contact:

Misty Walsh
National Marketing Manager

Glassdoor Media Contacts:

Marc Cowlin and Lisa Holden, pr@glassdoor.com