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[Blog Series] The Painful Irony of Insurance and Data

In our blog series, we'll explain how to modernize insurance data and analytics by pairing a modern data architecture with an agile delivery approach.

When is the Right Time to Move to a Cloud CRM or ERP Solution?

Consider a cloud-based ERP solution for required updates, quick expansion, or if your organization operates with first-gen solutions. Plan ahead for future growth.

Cloud vs. On-premise ERP: Which Is Right for You?

Embrace cloud ERP for business growth. Scale effortlessly, stay secure, and streamline processes. Discover the benefits of cloud ERP hosting for your business needs.

Big Bang versus Phased Approach ERP Implementation

Typically, one of the first questions when planning a CRM or ERP implementation is, "Should we implement in a Big Bang or a Phased approach?”

Don’t Get Left Behind: Invest in Machine Learning Consultants

Misconceptions about machine learning affect your business. Staying informed allows you to move forward with confidence and intentionality.

BlueBeak and the ABCs of the Internet of Things

BlueBeak leverages AWS services to deliver a seamless platform providing location-based services for several industries.

Eliminate Waste in Agile to Improve Delivery Efficiency

Various types of wasteful processes slow down software delivery efficiency and effectiveness. Eliminate agile waste to improve business performance.

Part 1: Scripting a VPC Landing Zone Using Terraform on AWS

In part 1 of a series, we describe how to build the core infrastructure in Amazon Web Services (AWS), using Terraform, to support our CI platform.

How Business Process Excellence Ensures Successful Transformation

In the final part of this blog series, we look at the importance of process excellence through specific examples of successful business transformation.

Enriched and Raw Data in Insurance: Can’t They Just Get Along?

Raw data in insurance needs processing, cleaning, and polishing. Only then can it packaged. This is what we call data enrichment. 

Part 2: Scripting GitLab and Jenkins Installs using Terraform on AWS

In this part of our series on putting a CI pipeline in the cloud, we explain how to build a practical solution in Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Terraform.

[Podcast] Cultivating an Innovation Culture

In this episode of the Centric Biz and Tech Talks podcast, we talk about the importance of innovation culture and the benefits it brings.