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Rethinking Business Transformation: Building Business Agility Begins with Culture

Is your organization equipped to respond to changing business dynamics in a flexible, adaptive and rapid manner? This is what we define as “business agility” which enables companies to transform faster. To stay ahead of today’s ever-changing market conditions, everyone

Discover and Document: Creating Your Process Definition Document Before Automation

We discuss the process discovery and documentation during an RPA use case intake and how to create a detailed process definition document.

Feasibility and Priority: Identifying the Best Opportunities for Process Automation

In part two of this series, we focus on feasibility and priority when choosing the right process for RPA, including how to determine ROI and prioritization.

Analysis and Ideation: Starting Down the RPA Path

Getting started with RPA shouldn’t start with every process in your company - begin with analysis and ideation for an RPA use case process intake.

Blog Series: Choosing the Right Process to Automate Is the Place to Start

We discuss how to choose the best processes for Robotic Process Automation (RPA), starting small to laying out the final path.

Maximizing Project Management with Microsoft Teams

Project management tools can be great for handling tasks but what about collaboration on all aspects of a plan? Microsoft Teams has a solution for all of your project management needs. In this webinar Centric Consulting's Enterprise Collaboration Teamwork Lead, Michael McNett, begins

3 Perspectives on Remote Work Adoption: A Look Back at Our Office Optional Webinar

Companies have shifted to remote work during the pandemic, realizing its viability. Culture adaptation is also important. Read more at Centric Consulting.

Success With Salesforce: Start Your Journey on the Right Path

Take a look at six preconceived notions about Salesforce before you begin planning for a new CRM solution. You may be surprised how much you like it.

New Thinking about Data Analytics and Data Access for a Stronger Digital Future

Agile companies adopt a modern data analytics approach to prioritize data, enable access and make better predictions that build trust.

Technology, People and the ‘Collaborative Pyramid of Needs’

We must align our increasingly complex technologies with the increasingly complex human needs they meet as we move up the Collaborative Pyramid of Needs.

3 Questions to Ask—and 3 Steps to Take—to Deliver Seamless Customer Service

Learn how to deliver call centers and digital experiences that provides excellent customer service while helping your business navigate what’s next.

Blog Series: Different Ways to Transition to Remote Work

We have been largely remote for more than 20 years, we have the experience, knowledge and flexibility to help you transition to remote work.