Articles by Tim Fox

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Tim Fox

Tim Fox

Senior Writer | National Marketing

Tim managed content development for internal and external websites at a Fortune 500 Midwestern electric and natural gas utility before starting his own writing consulting business, Write Fox LLC. Tim is also a freelance writer for Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Terrain magazine, and he is the editor of I Am East St. Louis, The Magazine.

‘What Do Our Core Values Mean to You?’: Strive to Innovate

In this series, we asked employees questions about our core values. Here's what Senior Architect Eric Galluzzo said about "strive to innovate."

‘What Do Our Core Values Mean to You?’: Ignite Passion for the Greater Good

We asked employees questions about each of our core values. Here’s what Anirudh Kejriwal said about igniting passion for the greater good.

‘What Do Our Core Values Mean to You?’: Invest in Exceptional Culture

We asked employees questions about each of our seven core values. Account Manager Niraj Patel reflects on investing in exceptional culture.

‘What Do Our Core Values Mean to You?’: Stewardship

We asked employees three questions about what our core values mean to them. This post focuses on practicing responsible stewardship.  

‘What Do Our Core Values Mean to You?’: Embrace Integrity and Openness

Centric Consulting is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. This is the second blog in our series on what our core values mean to our CEO and employees.

‘What Do Our Core Values Mean to You?’: Commitment to Delivery Excellence

Our core values are principles that guide how we operate and make decisions. See what our employees say about our commitment to delivery excellence.

Values Worth Living: Employees Share What Our Core Values Mean to Them

Seven core values have guided Centric Consulting since the company’s founding. Explore our blog series that reveals what our core values mean to our CEO and our employees. 

Unmatched Moments: Celebrating 25 Years of Stories, Experiences and Memories

As we celebrate a significant milestone — 25 years of creating unmatched experiences — we remember a few of the unmatched moments.

Centric’s Hemant Batra Named ‘Changemaker of the Year’ for His HR Innovation in India

Hemant Batra explains how his team is bringing HR innovation to our India team by creating people-centric organization and feedback culture.

Centric Consulting’s Cleveland Team Accelerates Opportunity and Diversity in Northeast Ohio

Our Cleveland team joined local pitch competition Accelerate to embrace and encourage social change in their community.

Centric India Heals Minds and Spirits to Welcome 2024

Our India team closed out 2023 and welcomed 2024 by volunteering their time and resources to better their local communities.

Centric India Provides a Day of Unmatched Experiences for the Welfare Home for Children

In a New Delhi orphanage, dancing, eating, and art build human connections between children and our India team that will last a lifetime.