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The Hybrid Workplace is Here: Now What?

In today’s ever-changing world, how do you build a hybrid workplace that preserves your company’s culture, productivity and security?

Navigate the Future of Energy & Utilities With Four Trends

The pandemic, the evolution of technology, the aging workforce, and how people want to work today have all rocked the energy and utilities industry.

Navigate What’s Next in Insurance: Three Industry Trends for 2021

The insurance industry is changing, and it’s not all because of the pandemic. We take a look at three prominent trends of 2021.

Business Anywhere: Our Guide to Becoming a Digital-First Organization

Business Anywhere is the custom framework you need to maximize customer engagement, workforce transformation, business operations and enterprise services for digital execution.

Emerging Tech Trends for 2021 and Beyond: A Look Into the Future

We take a look at emerging tech trends for 2021 in our recap of a recent event. We also go beyond 2021 to predict where we’ll be in five to 10 years.

Navigate What’s Next in Banking: Innovate the Back Office to Prepare for the Long-Term

To prepare the back-office for the long-term, banks will have to make internal workforce, process and technology changes to move from short-term to long-term.

3 Perspectives on Remote Work Adoption: A Look Back at Our Office Optional Webinar

Companies have shifted to remote work during the pandemic, realizing its viability. Culture adaptation is also important. Read more at Centric Consulting.

Technology, People and the ‘Collaborative Pyramid of Needs’

We must align our increasingly complex technologies with the increasingly complex human needs they meet as we move up the Collaborative Pyramid of Needs.

Modernizing to a Digital-First Organization

A modern, digital-first organization has fully optimized their customer experience, operating model and employee experience for digital execution.

There Is No Going Back: How to Permanently Adopt Remote Work

Now that so many organizations have had experience with virtual work, many are considering permanently adopting it. Learn the steps to permanently go remote.

Helping Seniors Battle Loneliness with “Noninvasive Technology” During COVID-19

COVID-19 created isolation restrictions that led to extreme loneliness, especially in seniors. But, some technologies can help ease the burden.

New Horizons for Healthcare and Tech after COVID-19

It’s not too early to begin planning for life in healthcare and technology after COVID-19. Our current “normal” paves the way for a brighter future.