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Five Signs That Your Organization Needs to Scale Agile

Scaling Agile is a big decision. We’ve outlined signs that your organization may be ready, as well as next steps to get you started on your journey.

The Benefit of Using Git Pre-commit Hooks

We walk through using git pre-commit hooks in your git workflow to supercharge your software development lifecycle.

Software Testing: What Metrics Should You Use First?

You equally need metrics and measurements around testing and software quality. But when misapplied, these may lead to bigger problems.

Moving from Manual to Automated Software Tests

Many organizations want the benefits from automated software testing. Most see the "next step" in testing as building automated versions of manual tests.

Test Code Is Production Code

We often overlook test code as something less important than the application it tests. We discuss why test code is as valuable as production code.

Creating Repeatable Processes for Complex Cloud Deployments

How we helped a company use repeatable processes to upgrade technological dependencies, containerize applications, and deploy them to the cloud

Scaling Up Test Automation with our Rock Star Program

How our Rock Star program helped our client develop learning and growth capability for in-house Agile teams

How Terraform Infrastructure-as-Code and DevOps Automation Make Cloud Migrations Easier

Managing cloud resources and their configurations across functional environments can be difficult. Terraform — an open-source, IaC solution — can help.

Expanding The Reach of Performance Testing

We look at the differences between traditional and modern performance testing, diving into the benefits of using the more modern approach.

For Modern Software Delivery, Focus on Value, Not Utilization

What do an old school children’s puzzle and modern software delivery have in common? Both require space to move. We explain.

What is Modern Software Delivery? Software Delivery at Speed and Scale

With Modern Software Delivery, speed is everything. The question is, how can my organization truly achieve software delivery at speed and scale?

Strengthening Carrier Integration Using a Guidewire Accelerator

How we helped Servpro automate the handling of First Notice of Loss (FNOL) information and become the preferred vendor of Mercury Insurance