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Relive Expedition: Data, Man on the Street

In this episode of the Centric Biz and Tech Talks podcast, we talk to participants and attendees from our Expedition: Data event.

Defeat Property & Casualty Insurance Challenges with a Modern Analytics Approach

Download our white paper to learn how to address data challenges in property & casualty insurance using a modern analytics approach.

Data and Analytics Engagement Part 2

In today's business world, data and analytics drive every decision made. Selecting the right technology tool plays a big part in successful implementation.

Data and Analytics Engagement Part 1

In today's business world, data and analytics drive every decision made. Implementation, however, requires intentionality.

Discussing Trends in Data and Analytics

Data and Analytics trends are constantly evolving. We talk about the latest and most important updates in the field.

A Look at Artificial Intelligence in Business

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two different tools working well together to improve your business processes.

Creating Custom Data Systems to Migrate Billions of Customer Records While Achieving Compliance

Centric helped client migrate their customer data, manage customer preferences and remedy compliance risk to improve customer experience.

Technical Debt: Why is Such a Simple Change Taking So Long? 

Are you paying for decisions made years before with increased costs and complications? Learn how to avoid this technical debt in the future.

Applying a Customer 360-Degree View to P&C Insurance Companies

A Customer 360-view allows forward-thinking, customer-focused insurers to differentiate themselves and retain customers.

Insurance Data: Where Did That Number Come From?

Dealing with insurance data? Apply these four concepts for a single version of facts, truth and confidence in the conclusions.

Artificial Intelligence: A Cognitive Services Tech Talk

The Centric India Artificial Intelligence Cognitive Services Research Group conducted an introductory Tech Talk on Microsoft Cognitive Services. 

[Blog Series] The Painful Irony of Insurance and Data

In our blog series, we'll explain how to modernize insurance data and analytics by pairing a modern data architecture with an agile delivery approach.