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Blog Series: Get Ready for Your Microsoft Copilot Rollout

Our blog series highlights best practices for rolling out Microsoft Copilot, emphasizing security, data, and people.

Get Ready for Your Microsoft Copilot Rollout, Part 3: Adoption and Enablement

Microsoft Copilot adoption and enablement require careful change management. Here’s our tailored approach to ensure a smooth transition.

4 Steps To Becoming AI Ready With Microsoft Copilot

Larry discusses Microsoft Copilot as a viable option for meeting AI business needs and the steps you need to take to get ready for rollout.

Blog Series: The Art of AI Adoption

In our blog series about adopting AI into your business strategy, we share three areas to consider when preparing for implemenation.

Copilot for Microsoft 365: Fly High with AI Webinar Recap

Our Microsoft Modern Workplace experts discuss how business leaders achieve AI-powered productivity with Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Machine Learning 101: How to Get Started on Your First ML Project

Machine learning (ML) requires careful thought and planning. Start by analyzing your ML workflow, what you want your project to do and how.

Copilot for Microsoft 365: Fly High with AI

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn how to achieve AI-powered productivity with Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Integrating AI into DesignOps: Better Products, Faster

AI tools can streamline the product design process. When used with DesignOps, and AI for product design delivers better products faster.

Machine Learning 101: What Are Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are hot, but they aren’t the same. Knowing the difference can help you make better decisions.

AI Will Save – Not Kill – Project Management

In this segment of “Office Optional with Larry English,” Larry shares how to AI is a powerful and essential tool for project management.

Get Ready for Your Microsoft Copilot Rollout, Part 2: Data Hygiene and Security

While Microsoft Copilot comes with tools to generate content, you still need to clean it and review your data security policies.

The Art of AI Adoption: Navigating with a Sound AI Vision and Strategy

Businesses need an AI strategy to sort through the noise keep from jumping in too fast to avoid a ripple effect they can’t predict.